Wednesday 2 December 2009

This Sound of The Smiths

I haven't done a lot yet this week, (except monday night which was a bit action packed but we won't go into the drunken antics of Portsmouth students), but one thing I have done is start listening to the Smiths (bit late I know, someone should have made this happen before).
I've pretty much fallen in love with them in about two days. Its the kind of music that reminds you how much passion and longing there is in peoples hearts. (Like the plastic bag scene in American Beauty). However, this morning I put on this album to get up to, but by the end of This Charming Man, I had convinced myself the day wasn't worth bothering with and my bed was an island in an vast expanse of general guttedness. It seemed to whisper in my ear things that I loved to not-want to hear and I felt like I had been tricked into taking a tardis back to being 15 again.

So, no more Smiths in the morning.

I think they mess with my head a bit, but I know I love them.


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