Monday 9 November 2009

Local Natives- Airplanes

Local Natives are a Californian band who seem to have taken on the UK in an effortless stride in recent months. When the Guardian featured them as their “New Band of The Day” back in June, they described them “almost too good to be true”.

There is no denying that to discover Local Natives is to discover a pot of gold under the inescapable rainbow of pretentious samey indie rock. This is a fresh new band who wear all the atmospheric musical integrity of The Arcade Fire on their cardigan sleeves and who’s music oozes all the confidence and poise that would expected from a band with at least a couple of releases under their belts.

However these chaps’ debut album Gorilla Manor has only been in the shops for a matter of days yet it has been stamped by many as a gem of 2009. This is thanx to their appearance at the Suffolk’s much loved spoken word and music festival Lattitude this summer, and an eager online anticipation most bands can only dream about.

From the first few seconds of Airplanes, track two of the album it is clear Local Natives not afraid of a three part harmony, or out of the box orchestral embrace. The enticing vocals this track transports will send any low expectations packing and take you to a place the current music climate might just not have prepared you for.

Put Gorilla Natives to the top of your to-listen-to list now.

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